Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Perfectly normal!

Mary from Dr. Ansari's office just called and said:

Dr. Ansari got your report and your CT scan is "perfectly normal". She then said that for sure it is "just an old granuloma"...it is NOT cancer.

I am shaking as I type this. Now I have things to do to enjoy the rest of my Spring Break!

I think I will go shopping.

Thanks to all of you who have listened, and I know will continue to listen to me. This journey is far from over but I think making it 6 months is worthy of a celebration--like spending money.

Hugs to all of you!!!!!

Kristina, special thanks to you. You know why, my sister.



Kylie said...

HOORAY!!! I am sooo happy for you- have a great spring break.


sheryl said...

Did someone say shopping!!???? Have fun. Go to CJ Banks and spend lots!!!!!!!!! Fun spring clothing will make you feel wonderful. Is it still snowing????


MadCityMike said...

VERY good news Molly! Now aren't you glad you stayed calm and went about your days/nights enjoying your vacation? :)
Have a great one!!!!

Anonymous said...

Yeah!!! I think that I am going to go shopping also to help you celebrate. I love any excuse to shop and one of my own not having any more cancer is an excellent reason to shop. I am right there with you in good times and the bad times and the shopping times!!!!


Unknown said...

Congrats, I knew that you would get good results. Enjoy the rest of your Spring vacation. I am sending you positive thoughts from sunny Florida.

Deb F.

PK said...

HOO-RAH !!!!! And is there any other way but shopping to celebrate life's wonderful moments such as this? In fact, I think I'll go tomorrow in your honor....
enjoy the rest of the week, Miss Molly.