Friday, July 25, 2008

Relay for Life

Momentarily feeling pretty good...go figure.

tomorrow is Relay for Life. I have always attended but never really participated, you know? It is an amazing event and one that all of us should attend...or at least understand and promote. I distinctly remember last year walking around with Jim and knowing I had the lump in my breast but not knowing it was cancer yet. I get teary eyed thinking about last year so I hope I can hold it together for this year. Still amazes me that I made it one year and here I am, life not changed much. I am so honored to live in this area with all of the people who work so hard making the Niles/Buchanan Relay so successful. I so wanted to be more active but am just still pretty emotional about it....not sure why really. There is the part of me that thinks I haven't suffered enough (I know that is dumb as dirt) but other than the surgeries and FEAR, it hasn't been too bad. Like I have said a million times, getting my tonsils out was much worse. I WANTED to die then! : ) Anyway, Jenny and Michelle, I can't tell you how proud I am to know you two, and all that you do for Relay. It's people like me that should be working my ass off to help, and then there's you two, who don't even have cancer but work so tirelessly. Thank you thank you thank you. I plan to spend as much time as I can at the relay this year. I am looking forward to the luminary ceremony and seeing fellow survivors. Gosh, it is all so amazing to me.

Today I googled reconstructed nipples and couldn't believe how good some of them looked. I did learn that that tattoo part fades quite fast, which explains why my PS nurse said to get the darker color. There are actual images if you want to check them out. But you know me, when it is all done, I be glad to show you. (well, most of you!) HA!

Then I googled "colonoscopy". Ohhhhhhhhh boy! That looks pretty darn invasive. I talked to my sis the nurse tonight and she said most of the gastro people she works with are all goofier than goofy because they have to be...thank heavens I am looped de loo for that event! I start my clear liquid diet Monday morning and then start with the pills at 6:00 PM Monday night. Then I will be spending most of my time "near the facilities" as the literature reads.

This blog reads like it should belong to some geriatric patient. How to get SCOPED. What interesting reading for all of you. Or how to get a NIPPLE. Hmm. Such great literature I write these days!

Josh is at his buddy Dominick's tonight. I miss Josh when he is gone 'cause he lets me love on him whenever I want. Andrew is at Kait's tonight. She has been gone a week and it was fun to have him around more often. He really missed her, which was nice to observe since you never know with him! With Kait gone and baseball over, we had about a week's worth of nights with everyone home each night. Andrew did have football a few nights but Jim and I actually cooked dinner and relaxed. Came at a good time with Mr. Pizza Pocket's demise and all. Still feel run down from that but it could just be me being bored.

I am really wanting a Pete's Patio pizza. Doesn't that sound good?


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