I have not received an update on Ava since Friday evening. At this point, the docs had decided to put her on dialysis and she was doing very well with it--all her "numbers" were where they wanted them to be, and the doctors were "thrilled" ME TOO! Heather and her family went up for the weekend and I have not heard from her so I am assuming no news is good news. I hope each day brings progress and some restful hours for Mom and Dad!
This heat is crazy, isn't it? We had to turn the air on in the house and I am still hot. Pretty tired too--I think two weeks of work did me in so thank heavens the weekend was here. Tomorrow is back to full time--I am sure I will be fine. I am glad not much is going on in the evenings...when my days are long, I tire easily.
Jim is in a state of depression because his Cubs lost--but at least Notre Dame broke into the win column, and the Vikes were winners too.
Today Jim walks by me when I am getting dressed and said if I were Native American my name would be Cheif Five Boobs. Now, I know I have three, but where are the other two? I ask him. He points to the fatty underarm lumps that I have (not related to cancer in anyway of course). I pout and tell him he is mean and he says, "Oh honey, your five boobs are you! I love all of you. And even though I see cancer when I see you I have to see you with cancer because you had cancer but cancer isn't you. Wouldn't that be what Oprah would say?" I cracked up because he was trying so hard to get out of it...and I really wasn't offended by the five boob comment but felt I could milk it a little...no pun intended. Silly Jimmy--thinking he can quote Oprah! He is feeling better from his awful stomach issues and I don't have to hear him roar in the bathroom like he had been. : )
Blessings to all of you.
I really enjoyed my travels today through your blog, Molly! Thanks for visiting mine. I know there are some breast cancer (ACC) survivors in my reading audience, so maybe I can flush them over your way. Please let me know if you can ever use a medical librarian - my services are open to you and your family. Take care!
Hello Molly. Since visiting your blog site I have started one for Ava as well for all to visit. I have posted a link on her site for yours and I would like to know if you could do the same for her. the site is avachristine.blogspot.com Thank you so much for your thoughts and prayers for Ava and please know that you are in ours.
Tracy (Jamie and Billy's sister)
Just wanted to say hi and make sure Jim told you I sent you a hello! Thinking of you and Ava both! I'm looking forward to a day with strictly happy and positive news!! Tell the boys hi and I hope to see you soon!
By the way, just wanted to thank you for helping me gain 10 pounds. I feel the need to keep buying the pink Breast Cancer Hershey Kisses to help contribute to a cure. Overall, the kisses make me feel happy and positive so I will need to send you some and buy more for myself!
Take care!
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